Saturday 2 November 2013

November 2013

Monday 25th November

Sunday 24th November

Today we walked the horses to their new field of winter grazing. They will probably spend a lot of the winter down there, it's by the entrance to the estate, but we will bring them back regularly when deep snow is forecast so that we can feed them easier from the home paddocks ;

It was lovely taking them down, they were all relaxed, calm and attentive and had just had their breakfasts and some hay so weren't desperate for grazing or snatching at grass the whole way. Enjoyed the walk down with them and also the walk around the field whilst we asked them to follow us so that we could show them the field perimeter, water and trees :)

Think they like the field and the size of it, also it's flatter than the home paddocks so they can stretch their legs more and I hope to put up a round pen of sorts so that I can continue some liberty play when it's not too cold or snowy ;)

Here are the pics from their walk over to the field and in the field...enjoy ;)

Sunday 17th November

It's getting colder here every day so took this opportunity for Mark and me to play/ride with the two big beasties ;) I started off playing then riding Stormy and Mark did the same with Holly. Afterwards I ended up riding Holly and he Stormy and we did some nice side-by-side drilling sort of stuff around the arena. Want both horses to get used to being ridden next to other horses so this was good for them and fun for us too ;)

Liberty weave

Liberty sideways towards

 Stormy: 'Stand and Wait' ;)

 Stormy: Circling ;)

Stormy: backing up ;)

Me on Stormy with Holly ;)

Mark on Stormy with Holly ;) ;)

Saturday 16th November

Day not too cold so out to play/ride Tara a bit and then Solly ;)

 Leg yielding to the right

Beginnings of Half Pass to the left ;)

Half Pass to the right ;)

Saturday 9th November

Very, very cold today BUT dry and still SO out with horses and Mark today ;)

I played and rode Stormy, Mark played and rode Holly and then I played and rode, fun, fun ;)

Here's some pictures from the day:

Me riding Stormy

 Beginnings of leg yielding ;)

Me playing and riding Solly
around the whole flat part of field ;)

Walking through the iced surface from the flood water ;)


 Nice, calm, relaxed canter ;) ;)

 Nice, relaxed, calm trot ;)

Mark playing then riding Holly ;)

 Lovely relaxed Holly today
with walk, trot and canter ;)

Teaching Mark how to Leg Yield (1)



 (4) ;)


Friday 8th November

Dry beginning of day so out at 11am to see horses ;) Decided to do the same as yesterday with Solly to impress onto him how easy it is to play and then ride the whole way around the flat part of the field.

All went well with playing online, through water, travelling circles, multiple jumps, changes of direction, w/t/c and some lovely fig 8's and standing on pedestal BUT Stormy came along for the fun of it too, at liberty, and I played with him when I was giving Solly a reward/rest ;)

Riding Solly today was good, again in the rope halter/clip on reins for a change and we rode around the field, did a few jumps...some from a standstill with levade ;) Around the cones and arena's, some jumps and down into the 'scary corner' hillock with a lovely, calm canter up the hill out of it...fab.

Also did some turns on forehand and hq's with head straight and then some shoulders and haunches-in too ;) Love my boy.

Here's some pics from the day:

Storm, liberty sidepass over cone

Storm, ask to go to pole squares

Storm: go into squares!

Storm: Two feet in square ;)

Storm: 4 feet in square ;)

Storm: quick drink whilst waiting! lol ;)

Storm: turn in box to face me ;)

Storm: walk out of box...and no poles disturbed ;)

Solly, online trotting fig 8's ;)

Solly: fig 8's

Stormy: trying to catch my attention by standing on the pedestal, 2 feet ;) lol

Whilst over with Stormy at the Pedestal it was a goo opportunity
to ask Solly to stand and wait where we had been doing the fig 8's ;)

Stormy: walked over pedestal and stopped with hind feet on it! lol

Storm: all 4 feet on ped ;)

Whilst off with travelling circles online with Solly, just near the
'Scary Corner' in the dip/hillock, Stormy decides to try to catch
my attention by putting a foot on the pedestal...even that far away!!!

Stormy: then putting two feet on pedestal!!!
Well he caught my attention but I wasn't going to be sidetracked by him
whilst playing with Solly so I said thank you to him and then ignored
him...he realised no one was going to run over and give him a treat,
so he stepped off and came over to where I was playing with Solly and
then proceeded to follow us all around the field whilst we played circles ;) lol
He's certainly a CHARACTER!!

Solly: travelling circles, asking for relaxation in all the
places around the field ;)

Solly and I checked the broken electric fence at the bottom of this incline,
and then walked it all repairing it together ;)

Solly and my shadow whilst doing the fencing ;)

Solly: saddling process, moving  him around and doing jumps
to help settle saddle and to be able to do the girth up in three
settings so that it doesn't hurt or worry him ;)

Jump 1

Jump 2....with some water around ;)

Jump 3...from a standstill with levade ;)
Jump 4....with gusto ;)

Jump 5 ;)

Walking in the scary water ;)

Stopping for a drink! lol

Stopping at jump 6...

...then jumping jump 6 ;)

Stopping at jump 7...

...then jumping jump 7 ;)
I LOVE that he can stop and jump from a standstill sensibly ;)

Trotting in scary water ;)

Water jump 8 :) ;)

Riding Solly: playing around walking and trotting through water

Riding Solly: playing around with the pole boxes ;)

Riding Solly: Playing around with Pedestal:
stop before it. 2 feet on it. back off it. 4 feet on it. walk over it ;)

Me and Solly's shadow whilst riding today ;)

Thursday 7th November

Lovely online play and ride today with Solly all in the rope halter and clip on reins. It's been quite a few days due to awful weather and Autumnal commitments BUT today I went out early, played with Solly all around the flat part of their field (about 4 acres), travelling circles, over jumps, changes of direction, Rolling Rock, squeeze on the move (falling leaf), fig 8's on the move ('S' bends) and lots more. We went along the fence line, into the corners and around the arena's THEN I rode it all too

Circling the jumps with some leg yieldings in walk and trot until relaxation came, then popped over the jump and went to next one. We did this all around the field, down the 'scary' corner where Fortune is buried, up the other side, along the ridge and then back the other way too. To end we had some lovely trot fig 8's around the very large arena and the small one where Tara was falling asleep and some shoulder and haunches in too ;)

YEEHAA....doesn't seem a lot BUT with Solly this is a BIG DEAL being ridden around what he thinks of as scary bits of the field.....he was great...only bit that was hard was getting his girth done up...he's put on weight for winter!! ;( He was also a bit sweaty when over so popped on his rug to keep him from a my boy.

Sorry no pics today, forgot camera ;(

Monday 4th November

Needed 4 large 4x4 tyres up the top of the field today, these will go into our empty feeding shed at the top when winter comes and the horses move to the house paddocks. The tyres stop the shed flying off in strong winds SO we played with Stormy online and then on long reins. Then we put him in the simple breast harness and played some more until he was ready to be hooked onto the swingle tree and the tyres, two at a time.

And he went up the hill twice for us. First time no problem at all, nice and calm and thinking about work. Mark let him think a couple of times about the pulling, the tyres aren't light weight and it's been about a year since he's done any harness work so no problems giving him the time to get his breath back ;)

The 2nd time the other three members of the herd wanted a gallop and Stormy wanted to be with them as Beta horse BUT Mark did a fabulous job of allowing him to move his feet on a circle and calming him to continue the job at's of both at the bottom of this day's pic's ;)

Stormy take 1: pulling tyres

Stormy take 2: pulling two more tyres up hill ;)

Friday 1st November

Wanted to ride but Solly (well all of the horses) was soaking wet and filthy dirty! ;( BUT played with him online and at liberty instead and had a fun time albeit we got wet when it rained again.

Solly learning to weave towards at liberty ;)