Monday, 2 September 2013

September 2013

Saturday 21st September
Lovely day out with horses and Mark. I played and rode Stormy, Solly and then hacked Tara gently around next field to her night time top paddock. Mark played at liberty and rode Holly BB&BL ;)

Here's the pics from the day...

Thursday 20th September

Hadn't left myself a lot of time this afternoon, been shopping and needed to sit down for a while before going out BUT had a good session never the less ;)

Firstly, dear Tara came up to the MOVING quad bike three times on our liberty walk down the hill together from her top paddock to her lower round pen. This is a HUGE break through for our RBint horsey. She was petrified of it to start with but is now realising it's just me and I have treats ;) clever girl. She even walked WITH me whilst driving it for a while and then I haltered her up around her neck and she followed the feel of the lead rope, following the bike, for me to get closer to the round pen. Brilliant ;)

Then, whilst sorting out a saddle and equipment the boys decided it must be time for some 'YEEHAA' in the field. They often do this around Spring and Autumn time, a time for joyous energetic play, it's fun to watch, they're both very athletic ;)

So, with the boys playing I decide that it would be fun to play/ride Holly instead. Avril hopefully is coming over on Sunday so to exercise and work on some flexibility with Holly before Avril rides is a good idea to help both of them have a good ride.

Holly was very willing to come and play and her initial slow, thoughtful exercises went very well. We then went on to some circling game. Now, with this game she can often be opinionated, hard to keep going one way and hard to keep consistency BUT today she was fabulous. She tried to change direction from left to right three times, I asked her gently back to the left and then she just kept going, trot first and then canter!! She was calm, willing, able, better flexing and with some fun attitude too. I think this is the FIRST time ever that her circles have been so consistent and in canter too!! FAB :)

Really enjoyed those circles of hers, a real buzz watching her show off in a calm, confident way ;) I then saddled her up and we rode for about half an hour, working from walk to trot with her flexing exercises (hq and fq yields, sidepass, leg yields off circles then off fence line) and she really felt relaxed, bouncy and full of positive energy. It wasn't perfect but it felt really good ;)

I gave her a few treats and a big hug and then put her back with Stormy whilst I fetched Solly up for some play.

Today with Solly I was just really thinking of putting his Hoof Boots on again and playing...which we did and he was relaxed, calm, not worrying about the boots at all SO I saddled him up to see how having a saddle on would change things at all! Nothing worrying him at all. Now I know Solly used to have metal shoes on so maybe having something on his feet (a) doesn't worry him and/or (b) makes him feel safer due to slipping without? anyway, there was no worries at all SO I jump up and we have a very nice riding session too.

We work in walk and trot with a couple of canters coming off a jump and he felt safe, confident and happy. I think that maybe these boots will help him feel much more confident about not slipping when I'm riding him and that in itself may help him be more confident about his feet in general ;)

Hoof boots...not a problem ;)

Tuesday 17th September

Just bought some Cavallo Horse Boots for Solly. His feet are getting better, he has no lameness or anything BUT his hoof wall is thin and he has some splits in his hind feet, they are also not very concaved so he slips especially with wet grass SO hopefully hoof boots with their grip soles will help him to not slip and me to feel safer riding him on the grass.

Today was his first try with them on, started with just the fronts and he took to them well so put all 4 on and played online and at liberty ;)

Monday 16th September

Thursday 12th September

Today we were going out into town around 3pm so I get myself together and get down to horses around 11am ;) They were all at the top lazing around, I let Tara out and gently drove her down in front of the quad bike. She's certainly getting better with the quad, even came over twice for treats. I put her in the round pen with the quad bike and then ask Solly to come into the round pen too and I trim his feet and measure them...for boots hopefully. After trimming and grooming I ask him to come and play ;)

Today I decide to NOT go into the big arena to play/ride, it's time to do something different and as I took down the Horse Agility arena fence I decide Solly and I can start over there.

Some nice sidepassing L&R and then circles, circles, circles. Some moving, some standing still, some following him around. He was a bit sceptical about the tarp with all the poles around/over it so I just asked him to trot and I walked around the tarp, he had to negotiate where he was going to trot, how to miss the poles and how to keep calm doing it. He started to relax and his head lowered and he blew out. We stopped and had a reward and then we went the other way ;)

After the circles I asked him from a distance to go and step onto the pedestal, he asks questions the whole way....this pedestal? front feet? both front feet? all four feet? I love that he asks questions, it shows he's a bit unsure but he knows exactly who to ask, which is great ;)

After the HA area we trot on over to the open area where I have the 6 cones in a circle with a barrel in the middle and we play moving circles around this...I walk around the outside of the cones, Solly circles me and we go both ways with a break in the middle ;) He did really well and I physically see him relaxing in this area which is often a worrying one for him when we ride...only for the fact we don't do it often enough.

We then pop over a couple of jumps, a bit higher than normal and then we go back to Tara's round pen, bridle him up and mount.

I start by going around Tara's round pen, Stormy is hanging his head over the pen and we follow him which is fun, seems to give Solly more confidence too ;)

Then we move straight to the barrel that we'd just played online around. I reward him for being at the barrel and then we walk the fig 8 'flower' pattern around each cone and middle barrel and a last trot up to the barrel for a reward. This was great, he was attentive, we did the centre turn with forehand turns and the cone turns on the outsides with hq turns. Excellent.

Next we move back toward Tara's pen, walk around it and I was so happy with his progress that I dismount and hug him. We walk together towards the HA area again to take off his saddle and I decide that since we had played in this area maybe I could just ride a bit around that area too.

I mounted from one of the large barrels and then walked straight over to the pedestal and he put his two front feet on it ;) We rest, I reward and then back him off. We circle the jump and I was thinking about going over the tarp but thought it was pushing our luck, he'd done SO well and he's not used to being ridden in the bottom area when the other horses are all at the other side of the field SO with that little note in the back of my head I walk him to a large cone and dismount again and then take his tack off.

I'm so glad I came out early and was really pleased with our play and ride today.

Wednesday 11th September

The boys today decided to come together for a short impromtu liberty play. They were so funny, both trying to impress me, Solly trying to get onto the pedestal with Stormy when I asked him if he could...Stormy not impressed moving him off it again! lol :)

Tuesday 10th September

Today the wind was blowing a HOOLIE and the horses decide to have a BIG YEEHAA when we arrive at the field. SO cool to watch them running around having a great time, the breeze in their manes and tails.

On that whirlwind of a note Mark and I decide it's probably not the day for riding let alone BB&BL (Bareback & Bridleless) which is what Mark was going to do today.

I decide the only thing I can do is play at liberty with Solly if he wants to come and play....I ask him and he says yes ;)

Picking up the cone...
...and bringing it to me.... better than the bowl....I wonder who's been teaching Solly this trick! ;)
Specifying feet over the pole
Two front feet
one-two back feet
trot circle at liberty
trot S2M
Bring back
Sidle over pole...
....all 4 feet sidle
Draw at trot
Fig 8s... trot
Although he looks like he's running away he is not,
he still has that left ear very much on me and I keep
attached to him through my thoughts and energy ;)

Canter S2M
Liberty leg yields
Leg yields
Leg yields and trying for some liberty shoulder-in
More leg yielding...helps keep us both more symmetrical ;)
Tara wanted a fuss..and a treat ;)
1) Liberty double jump (one stride between)
1) Liberty BOUNCE jump ;)
4) Such a clever boy ;)
My lovely boy <3 b="">

After the session it was dinner time for the horses
and then Solly helped Mark fill up the water bucket. lol ;)

Sunday 8th September

Weather very good today so Mark and I get out with Holly and Stormy. I gave Solly two days off, hopefully back riding him tomorrow....see how ankle feels, pretty sore from today walking about etc! ;(

No explanations today, just that we had a lot of fun so enjoy the pictures ;)

 Mark riding BB&BL (Bareback and Bridleless)
again on Holly ;)

Targeting a 'sweet spot'...the barrel so that they both
have a destination focus ;)

 Walk and trot going well, Mark's balance
and focus much better today

 LOVELY trot from Holly

 oh and there's their FIRST BB&BL Canter together ;)

 Holly working out the question Mark was giving to her:
stop at the white barrel, figuring it out was interesting to watch ;)

 Next question was: 
RtR in walk if you can and target the barrel to stop ;)

 Holly figured out it was easier to go faster
and get to the barrel quicker...another canter...

 ...and another canter to the target!...

 ...golly, there's another one! Think they're both
enjoying the cantering now! lol ;)

 And some more canter ;)

 Relaxed more and off RtR in walk ;)

Just couldn't resist another canter....has she figured
out the question yet though!?*

 YUP....RtR in walk, relaxed and focused...

 ...and target the barrel to stop,
Mark was so happy with her he got off immediately
to give her a reward for doing so well.
(took some time for her RBext side to answer
the question so well!)

 Stormy and me: question:
back up to yellow cone ;) done

 question: back up over yellow cone more...

 ...until you can 'touch it' with your nose ;)

 Sideways in trot...

 ...not good for my ankle but a lot of fun ;)

 Extreme friendly: tossing 22' feather lite rope
over head from behind horse ;)

 Backing horse up when laying down ;)

 Leg hugging ;)

Extreme friendly under belly area ;) ;)

 JUMP :)

 Haven't ridden Stormy for a while but he was
straight back in where we left off last time ;)

 Did a lot of 'question box' to give us a focus
with a direction, speed and destination ;)
Built up circles left then circles right to fig 8's ;)

 'HELLO' ;)

 FIRST ATTEMPT: leg yielding,
not bad but needs work so will try to
incorporate this into all ground and ridden
work now so that it progresses well

 Leg yields going to the right are harder than
ones to the left but that makes total sense
as online his circles to the left are harder for him...
as he finds it harder to 'curve' the left side of his body!

 Yoyo's with a pole

FIRST TIME TODAY: ridden 'foot in tyre' ;) lol

Last bit of fun was to ride Tara back to her
top paddock for the night so I took her for
a nice short hack out into the field next to ours
and around the back of the forest ;)

Friday 6th September
Had a day off yesterday as I went to the Osteopath about my ankle and it was a bit sore when I got home. Today though is nice, breezy and NO FLIES, so off to see the herd around 2pm.

I first put back up any arena fencing that Stormy has laid down, cones that have been moved about and jumps that have been demolished! lol. He likes to give me things to do ;)

Then I walk to the top of the hill and fetch beloved Tara from her paddock into her round pen, new grazing for her and she's a happy bunny. Solly comes up to Tara's pen to say hello to her and to catch me too which is nice. I halter him and start play immediately. I have no stick/string but have the 22' feather lite. Here's our play session:

We started slowly with some S2M (w/t/backups) and then move neatly into some sideways away/towards in a part of the field we don't normally play in. This week has been all about expanding our Comfort Zone so this is a good start.

Next game is circling at walk and trot with some COD's in and out for good fun. Yoyo's into circling again is good but his jumping is a bit lazy to start with so we play around with that for a while to see how it goes. In the end he works great with some canter circles including a jump, this really has his brain working as he has to figure out his stride to keep cantering and do the jump without mucking it up...what a clever boy.

We go into the big arena and I give him a groom and then repeat similar things from the online session starting with S2M w/t/backups and then onto some nice circles. Close circles, further away circles, w/t, cod's inwards and then smoothly into S2M RtR with circles around me and spins away and COD's. Going well, we LOVE LIBERTY ;)

This whole week we've been working in the Dr Cook's Bitless Bridle and I really think Solly likes this bridle, he seems to relax more into it and it communicates connection and collection (CC) to him more which is good. Today I felt some more glimpses of CC with him and I feel we're on the right track now.

We did circles, leg yields, shoulder-in, haunches-in, beginnings of half pass, good solid transitions including a lot of partial backups to help create hindquarter engagement and also some jumps. Here's the pics of the ridden bits.


 Asking for more forward going

Leg yielding across the arena...

 ...still leg yielding...

 Beginnings of half pass....needs much more work...

....half pass...

 Really getting connected....LOVE that my reins are loose here ;)

 More glimpses of connection here ;)

And Connection again ;) ;)

 Really beginning to communicate more with each other,
think this bridle is working well for us ;)

More energy and focus today

 Yeehaa jump...

...this is just plain fun ;)

And another jump...

...and another....way, way too much fun ;)

'Do you want a treat Solly?'...

'oh you go' ;)

Under the arena fence...

....pure trust, he knows with me it's not on but it's a

 Liberty jump...

....liberty jump towards...

....liberty jump again...

 ....liberty yeehaa jump....


Just LOVE this boy...super ;)

Wednesday 4th September

A nice breezy, sunny day so out with herd today. I first take Tara out of her paddock and bring her down to a round pen to help keep the herd down on the flat working area, the round pen has shade too so she will keep out of the hot sunshine that can burn her nose. Whilst bringing her down I notice that Holly and Solly go and graze together on a thistle patch, it must be turning towards Autumn slightly now for them to be eating these, so glad they have them to munch on ;)

Solly munching on thistles...

 ....Holly and Solly together munching on thistles ;)

Solly came to my whistle today and ducked under the electric fencing (not on) to be in the big arena with me. This is what we did:
1) GROOMING: This is the BEST friendly game I know, he loves being groomed and it starts our bond off nicely.
2) LIBERTY: Start off with some S2M at a distance, he decides it's fun to be further away so I ask him to stay out there but to keep moving. The arena is quite big and I cannot run due to my ankle SO I just thrown the bundled up halter and 22' feather lite rope behind his butt. He realises that I can still influence his gait or when he tries to stop and claim space so soon he is asking to come in. I ask him to stay out for a while as I want it to be my idea for him to come in and when I see him relaxing and lowering his head I gently walk backwards and he draws at a trot to me...perfect ;)

Once with me we have a rest and rewards and then go off and work on S2M closer to. He does wonderful w/t/bkup trans and then trotting circles around me going in to walking the rail and then spins away and back to the rail. I LOVE this game of WtR with spins and circle around me, it shows a deep connection and I stop on a very good note and reward him well for this. 
3) ONLINE: After saddling I use the 22' feather lite for some circling transitions w/t/c and jumping with inward COD's ;) He goes very well, he's light to my energy and also does some nice hq yield circles in walk. My aim is for him to relax into the transitions and find some nice impulsion (whoa = go, not impulsiveness, running off or lazy/slow), I'm also looking to make sure he can flex both sides on the circle, be responsive (not reactive) to changes and to be able to move hq's and fq's well, quickly, balanced and with some energy.

Trot circles...great way to warm up saddle and get
girthing done up in three stages

 Solly starts to relax and lower his head and stretch down ;)

 Nice an angle too ;)

 Really trotting his circle here and really looking
to ask what's next ;) lol

 Again, lowering head and stretching down clockwise too

4) RIDING: All goes well so I mount and start off with my flight checks (LF, DHQ, move FQ's) and then start on some P2P between the mounting block and any other obstacles (tyres, cones, jump, quad bike). This helps to relax him and soon we are doing some bigger circles in walk and then RtR in walk. Keeping him relaxed but focused we RtR with smaller circles off the rail and then some cod's too. This really helps keep him together and asking for trot is easy now that we have our routine going nicely.

With plenty of stops and rewards we soon start playing around with some lateral work, some shoulder-in on both sides with some nice loose rein trotting work in between for relaxation. Then we move on to haunches-in both sides, again with loose rein trot in between for relaxation. Today's laterals go a bit easier so I must work on these every time I ride so that we can do them without thinking and with suppleness, lightness and ease ;)

We do some really nice trotting leg yields too and one quite nice short HALF chuffed we did this as been doing it in my mind for ages and only had one attempt earlier in the year so this was cool...again, I will do it more and hope that it comes into our routine before Winter this year so that next year it will be easier.

I then decide that we need to go over again what we did yesterday and yesterday we did touch it, fig 8's and multiple fig 8's in the open field around a barrel and 6 cones SO, out we go from the arena. He has a bit of a hesitation but I point him towards Tara in the round pen and he goes over to her nice and calmly. We stay there for a moment to give him confidence to get to the open area beyond her and I'm not too worried as Holly and Stormy are nearby too but he really has worried feet and he starts to toss his head a bit. 

I know when he tosses his head he is quite worried and unconfident about moving off so I just move him around the round pen, dhq and turn to face Tara a few times. This helps a bit so I turn him around and face the nearest's about 60' away and I just totally focus on that and give him a bit of encouragement half way by saying out loud 'GOOD BOY'....with those two words I feel his body relax a bit and I smile which helps even more ;) We get to the cone and we relax and have a reward...phew! lol

Next we go to the familiar centre barrel and all is well with that too. Another reward ;) Then we go to the next cone and back to centre, reward. Another cone, back to centre, reward ;) Then I ask him to do the fig 8 flower pattern around 4 of the cones he seems happiest with and on the last one he gets a reward. The straight parts away to the cone and back to the barrel were done in trot so I was very happy with his tries for me today so on that note I ride him back, in trot, to Tara's round pen, past her pen, jump two jumps and back into the big arena where he does 2 more jumps with some canter work and back finally to the quad bike to dismount, de-tack and give Solly some treats.

A good afternoon, better riding routine today and pushed out some more edge of our comfort zone. Will try again tomorrow (if able, going to Osteopath for treatment with injured ankle) or Friday and definitely over weekend ;)

 After horses dinner, Mark sitting near stream on left
getting water for speedi-beet...Solly keeping him company ;)

The herd after their dinner....
Stormy and Holly grooming,
Tara heading for a drink in the stream and
Solly waiting for Tara ;)

Tuesday 3rd September

Managed an hour with Solly today, the 2nd day this week that I hope to ride every day. He was down on the flat of the field, the other three horses were up the top of the field....he came and caught me very nicely and we enter the large pen. He follows me around the pen, me on the quad bike but then he realises he's on his own, can't see the other horses and starts to get a bit tense and running around a bit ;(

I call him to me and halter him up for some online play, this helps his confidence and relaxation with some games: yoyo, circles w/cod, squeeze and sideways away/towards. Next we work on impulsion and flexibility with more games: circle transitions w/cod's, fig 8's on the move ('s' bends) and some leg yields on circles. Then for more impulsion we have fun with halt to canter departs on a circle and then circling trot including a jump.


All going well I saddle him up and I decide to ride him out of the arena, in the open field. I've set up 6 cones equally around a centre barrel, we first do some 'touch the cone with your nose' game and he gets this quickly and well. I decide to get on the barrel and mount him and rest up with his nose on the barrel making this his 'sweet spot' ;)

We then work on going to one cone, resting and then coming back to the centre barrel. He goes okay, a bit slow (which to me says he's tense, trying hard but a bit worried!). He has a little spook and I manage to sit to it, we get back to the barrel and we wait for relaxation and then I dismount. I move his feet around a bit, give him some confidence and relaxation and then remount him off the barrel.

Then we work on choosing a cone and going around it and back to the barrel for rest. We do this a lot and I feel Solly relaxing more and more as he understands the pattern. I keep with it until he really feels soft and confident in mind and body.

All going well and I decide to finish the pattern, going from the centre to each of the 6 cones in fig 8's around them all in a 'flower' pattern ;)

(1) Fig 8 pattern around one cone and centre barrel.

(2) 'flower' pattern, fig 8's around each cone
and centre barrel ;)

We  manage a nice flower pattern and at the last one Solly is very relaxed out to the cone and trots back to the centre. It may not seem much to most people as Solly works very well for me BUT he gets very worried, tense and spooky when I change the routine and start new things with him. SO, the challenge now is to do this for the next few days to make this part of our routine and not such a scary thing for either of us ;)

Monday 2nd September

A rather windy day but at least that means no flies ;) I go out about 2pm and play at liberty and online with Solly before saddling up and riding him.

Riding starts off slowly but I am determined that me and Solly are (1) going to loose weight through exercising and (2) that I will ride him every day this week to make up for the lost injury time last month. My ankle is still sore and I can only put wellies, sneakers or sandles on my foot so I've started using the sneakers as I feel these will at least be comfortable and come out of the stirrup easier than wellies (sandles are just a silly option for riding! lol)

My stirrups are a hole lower than normal, in fact I'm getting to like them like this so that's something positive. I also used the leather Dr Cook's bridle today which made a change and worked well.

Day 1

  Using the Dr Cooks bridle today for a change ;)

Was a good ride and Solly worked well in the bridle ;)

Here is our ridden session:

1) Transitions: we worked on a good walk but to help the trot we did a lot of walk/trot/walk/trot in quick succession. We also did some trot/dhq/trot on too which worked very well and really got his energy up.

2) Flexibility: we worked on trotting circles with a good inside bend using a raised inside rein and inside leg on. Serpentines too worked nicely and were fun and fig 8's using inside rein up for more of an engaged bend ;)

3) Lateral moves: we had some nice walk shoulder-in and haunches-in but need to get back to doing these more regularly, not just as a lateral move but for our flexibility and engagement to become better.

I hope tomorrow's weather, in fact the whole weeks weather, is good as I want to ride Solly every day this week and maybe even Holly too. I need to exercise to get fit again after my injuries and walking isn't an option at the moment as my ankle is still weak and painful ;(